Sanija – Our live dealer of the week

After logging in a fraction early for the Rouelette Hot Numbers there was a so need to kill some time, so a blackjack table beckoned.

Caught the dealer change just as I took my seat. Taking her seat was dealer Sanija.

First few hands were pretty uneventful…win, loss, win, win, loss, loss. Balance going nowhere in a hurry. In fact most of the action was off the table with Sanija getting stuck into some player whose loose lips had sunk a few ships in live dealer land. Not sure about the details, but the impressive thing was Sanija’s ability to give someone a dressing down, welcome and farewell other players leaving or arriving at the table, deal a faultless round of blackjack and be quite generous with play hints to novice players all without missing a beat.

This was all good. But not the really good bit.

About ten 0r so hands in, she began dealing me and other players, but me in particular…Blackjacks with monotonous regularity.

blackjacks at William Hill


Balance went from two hundred and something to four hundred and something pretty fast. At one stage my little bet behind star that indicates the number of consecutive hand wins was showing a 6!

Dealer Sanija

Gotta love winning on Fridays! Thanks Sanija.

The sad (ish) post script to this story is that after Sanija left the table, I played a couple hands on one of the VIP  tables. My four hundred and something became three hundred and something even faster!

What did Kenny Rogers say about knowing when to walk away?


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