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Thread: (Betgames) Dice Duel

  1. #1
    Administrator LD's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    (Betgames) Dice Duel

    Dice Duel isn't exactly a new release. It's another offering (the provider behind Bet on Poker, Bet on Baccarat and War of Bets).

    Betgames were added to the live games roster at Leo Vegas recently, giving them somewhat of a stamp of a approval from a well known, well regulated brand, so thought it worthwhile having a look at a few more of their games, which are certainly different to the mainstream.

    As its name suggests, DiceDuel is all about dice. 2 in fact. A red dice and a blue dice. Said dice are placed in a small container, given a shake and then rolled by the dealer onto the table to reveal the outcome.

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    Any time between rolls, you can select from a wide range of bets on the outcome of this roll, each with clearly displayed payouts.

    The main bet being on whether Red or Blue will win (roll highest), or Draw (Hence the name Dice Duel)...

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    You can also bet on the number that will be rolled (Red, Blue or combined)...

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    Or whether the number rolled will be odd or even (Red, Blue or combined)...

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    You simple choose your bet selection, and bet amount in a bet slip below the game window...

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    ...and wait for the next roll.

    Pretty simple game (lets not say boring). Of course with simplicity comes pretty poor returns as well, so play this one sparingly.

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    'coz good old fashioned real random beats simulated random any day

  2. #2
    Senior Member The Legend's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    That position ("Chosen RED and BLUE dice combination will be rolled") is equal to Crap12 from the game "Craps" if your chosen combination is 6+6. But at the same time it pays more: 33 to 1 instead of 30 to 1.

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