So Evolution recently launched Infinite Fun Fun 21 Blackjack, another of their infinite, 1-to-many deal blackjack games.

This one comes with quite a few rule variations which you can read about in the blog. But there are a couple in particular I'd like to address here. Not because they are that significant (certainly compared to some of the others). More because I'm not sure they were being strictly adhered to.

1. Dealer checking for Blackjack
On Evo's regular blackjack tables the dealer will check for blackjack with an Ace up card.
For Fun Fun 21 the rules state: 'Dealer checks for Blackjack on Ace and J-Q-K'
Playing the game for a couple hrs I observed the dealer always checking for Blackjack with an Ace, but not J-Q-K. The game recording below (at 1:40) is an example.

2. Auto Stand on 17
Another new rule this game introduces is:
'You cannot Hit if your Hard total is 17 or above unless you have the possibility to achieve a Bonus 21'
So often your hand will Auto-Stand on Hard 17 or more. But on a few occasions I noticed Auto-Stand applied where a Bonus 21 was possible. Bonus 21 hands pay more than even money and include 5/6/7 card hands totalling 21.

Here's an example of a Hard 17+ with the possibility of a 6 card Bonus 21, yet Hit was not given as an option (not that it would've been a good option). But according to the rules there should not have been an Auto Stand.

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Am I overlooking something? Or do Evo have a couple of minor issues to iron out on this one?

They run such a well oiled machine it's rare that you ever feel there are 'glitches in their Matrix'.