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Thread: Memorable dealers

  1. #1

    Memorable dealers

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Name:	mes.jpg 
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ID:	2387

    A thread celebrating dealers who made a lasting impression for whatever reason.

  2. #2
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	2389 ... Stefanija

    One year ago, June 2013 I sat at Stefanija's table ... another new fresh faced dealer at the Euro Playtech studio.

    But something was different about this lady, and I will always remember her for that.

    Most Playtech players probably don't recognise her because 2 months later she decided to leave and start a new chapter in her life (hope it wasn't something I said )

  3. #3
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	2390

    Why Stefanija was different & made a lasting impression on me:

    My first thought when I saw Stefanija was her great hair, and then, how good she spoke American. I often say dealers speak American because of the way they learnt English watching American TV shows.

    I soon discovered just how much fun and what a 'breath of fresh air' this lady was.

    Like most Playtech dealers she was friendly and greeted players in a welcoming fashion (as they are taught to do).

    But what was it about Stefanija that made her different from the other dealers I knew

    Well simply put ... she seemed more real.

    • She didn't wear excess makeup. I don't like to see all dealers wearing large amounts of bright red lipstick that they are 'encouraged' to do so. The Joker look can be quite disturbing if it doesn't suit them.

    • She didn't have fake hair, or wear an 'over the top' push up bra. Just a natural looking lady.

    • and MOST IMPORTANTLY she was more truthful.

    By the time of our second table together she was already talking about her boyfriend. NOT the usual ploy of Playtech dealers who don't tell the truth, and say they are single or recently split from a partner to gain more attention from players. More attention equals more compliments, and more compliments increases Playtech dealer scores & their monthly bonus. Of course Playtech rules also prohibit a dealer telling players they are married.

  4. #4
    Administrator LD's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Great post Fester! Have about 50 to add when I get a chance

    Going to be a long thread...
    'coz good old fashioned real random beats simulated random any day

  5. #5
    The way the Playtech studio mishandled the introduction of the Italian tables had changed the way I felt about Playtech.

    And then, Stefanija more than any other dealer changed the way I felt about past artificial dealers.

    Stefanija could have taught the studio bosses a 'thing or two' about how to treat players and be more real. Rather than trying to mould dealers into some homogenous state where they look and sound the same, give the same standard taught responses, and are driven by competition for ranking based on a bonus pay points system.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	stefanija.jpg 
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ID:	2395 ... I only have great memories of the time I spent with Stefanija at Playtech.

    She truly was a breath of fresh air.

  6. #6
    Junior Member TheDogsNuts's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Live Dealer Land

    I'd like to add Vanessa from Playtech to the list

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Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	2139 
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ID:	2407

    Beautiful smile and elegant to boot.

    Very professional and lovely to play with

  7. #7
    Thanks for your dealer. Yes I've seen Vanessa.

    She has been Playtech's 'Dealer of the Month' - points system scored by the CSRs (includes checking dealer chat at the end of every shift). Dealer of month wears a little badge.

    So she was ticking all the correct boxes in Playtech's requirements for dealers.

  8. #8
    Administrator LD's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Right where do I start

    Took a trip down memory lane browsing through Dealers of the Week, and I'll begin with a dealer who i haven't played with for a long time, but who always made it a pleasure to play online, win lose or draw.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	vicky7.jpg 
Views:	4305 
Size:	88.3 KB 
ID:	2434

    'coz good old fashioned real random beats simulated random any day

  9. #9
    August is becoming one of those hexed months for me ...

    Stefanija's last shift at Playtech was 5th August 2013.

    Then one year later Leandra, another personal favourite. Her last shift was the 6th.

    I wonder who it will be next time .... 7thAugust 2015

  10. #10

    There's no picture of Leandra because I once promised her I wouldn't post new pictures (I've also made that promise to other dealers, even if they forget with the passing of time).

    Name:  Leanra.jpg
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    _essence of Leandra

    Talking of promises to oneself and others...

    I broke one of my own Playtech rules when I met Leandra.

    After past experiences I had made it a rule to myself that I wouldn't have any new favourite dealers that were learning Italian ... because I knew they would be leaving English tables soon.

    The first time I talked to Leandra I realised she was already an Italian tables dealer. She was just working a couple of English tables in her shift. But I found her so funny and memorable on that first day I looked for her again in subsequent months. Indeed, for the first few months it was 'our thing' how we only met once a month.

    She was always correcting my lazy typing and English mistakes, even when they weren't mistakes . It was so endearing coming from her.

    I will remember Leandra for being a such a funny, classy, beautiful, and intelligent lady. Who did her best to be herself within the rigid Playtech regime ... wearing black nail polish and dark lipstick when she could 'get away with it'.

    (To Lealea. Thank you, I'm sorry our last night was cut short, until Paris)

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