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Thread: Memorable dealers

  1. #11
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDogsNuts View Post
    I'd like to add Vanessa from Playtech to the list

    Beautiful smile and elegant to boot.

    Very professional and lovely to play with

    Vanessa is so fake.... as Unclefester says, she ticks all the boxes and thats all.
    So many lies and a bit dumb, same for Unda . Not sure, if you have seen her.

  2. #12
    I'm not going to disagree with you unkypoo about feelings of fakeness and lying from (several) Playtech dealers ... comes with the rules & culture there.

  3. #13
    ps. of the discussion about dealers missing and changing tables moved to the missing Playtech dealers thread here

  4. #14

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	lilita_sp.jpg 
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ID:	2936 Click image for larger version. 

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    Well I've known Lilita a year now, but if you've only ever met her once I think it would be impossible not to remember her.

    She is quite possibly the loudest, craziest and most fun dealer Evolution has ever unleashed on players.

    Although when you get to know her better you realise how much of it is for entertainment value, and is simply her way of coping with players. Inside there is a slightly quieter, less confident, amazing, sensitive soul.
    Last edited by Unclefester; 12-08-2014 at 12:18 AM.

  5. #15
    I first met Lilita on a very familiar sounding table called LiveDealerVIP...

    Did anybody else know LD had a private VIP table at Evolution?

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    Ok, perhaps not LD's private table ... just a namesake exclusive table belonging to a casino 'from' Paddy Power.

    The table was probably the least busy blackjack table in the whole of Latvia. Dealers seemed in a genuine state of shock to see a player at the table when it was dealer change ... and so that was how I first came to meet Lilita

    Eventually the table closed several months after Paddy's main brand casino moved to Playtech.

  6. #16
    Lilita in action during one of 888's live lottery draws ... before the promotion finished in September.

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDogsNuts View Post
    I'd like to add Vanessa from Playtech to the list
    It was my routine dash through Playtech today. Being Valentines Day the dealers were wearing the uncomfortable looking neck hearts once again.

    Vanessa was on roulette ... TheDogsNuts may appreciate this if wasn't fortunate enough to be playing in the studio today.

    Click image for larger version. 

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  8. #18
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Unclefester View Post
    Attachment 2390

    Why Stefanija was different & made a lasting impression on me:

    My first thought when I saw Stefanija was her great hair, and then, how good she spoke American. I often say dealers speak American because of the way they learnt English watching American TV shows.

    I soon discovered just how much fun and what a 'breath of fresh air' this lady was.

    Like most Playtech dealers she was friendly and greeted players in a welcoming fashion (as they are taught to do).

    But what was it about Stefanija that made her different from the other dealers I knew

    Well simply put ... she seemed more real.

    • She didn't wear excess makeup. I don't like to see all dealers wearing large amounts of bright red lipstick that they are 'encouraged' to do so. The Joker look can be quite disturbing if it doesn't suit them.

    • She didn't have fake hair, or wear an 'over the top' push up bra. Just a natural looking lady.

    • and MOST IMPORTANTLY she was more truthful.

    By the time of our second table together she was already talking about her boyfriend. NOT the usual ploy of Playtech dealers who don't tell the truth, and say they are single or recently split from a partner to gain more attention from players. More attention equals more compliments, and more compliments increases Playtech dealer scores & their monthly bonus. Of course Playtech rules also prohibit a dealer telling players they are married.
    Nice girl, I think I never saw her before this post, but I like her. Really, she differ from anither girls, regardess she have not make up she doesn`t looks like unwashed nerds she`s beautiful. Also, I think you fell in love... =Р

  9. #19
    I'm curious why you created another account Ikor

    Regarding Stefanija, she moved to Evolution and was much liked there among players and dealers.

    Successful also in joining the highest paid Blackjack Party/Immersive dealer team.

    But ironically I felt at Evolution she became more like the Playtech dealers I praised her for not being like (& IMO too many Playtech dealers give the impression that players exist to amuse dealers).

  10. #20
    Blast from the past time. Guess who I 'bumped into' yesterday dealing .

    One of your memorable Dealers of the Week LD. Playtech stalwart Italian dealer Vicktoria.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	4711

    Vicktoria was one of the very first dealers I spoke to back in 2011, way before the whole wretched Italian tables saga forever changed my understanding of Playtech.

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