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Thread: Another hello - Betfair

  1. #1
    Administrator LD's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Another hello - Betfair

    Got back inside Betfairs' live casino yesterday. Looks like my timing couldn't have been better ...will get a good crack at their blackjack bad beat jackpot

    Name:  b-private.jpg
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    wouldn't let me play full screen video due to tech issues....
    Name:  r-hilarija.jpg
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    then the tech issues got a little worse...
    Name:  r-technical.jpg
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    Hopefully these are sorted when I'm in the hunt for the bad beat!
    'coz good old fashioned real random beats simulated random any day

  2. #2
    Recently (a few months) I've had lots of these video technical issues at Playtech tables.

    NO VIDEO when I first try to join the casino ... and so having to disconnect my PC and login again. Then losing video if I switch casinos/tables etc. Thought it was just a problem I was experiencing.

  3. #3
    I have tried telling a dealer several times there seems to be some regular PC video stream issues (cache/flash window related?), ... as the tables always have video now on the same connection on iPad (compared with past troubles when it was the iPad stream that failed to load).

    But the dealers are just versed in pressing their keyboard shortcuts F5, F6 etc

    F5 simply sends a message to the player

    player, check your sound settings, (blah, blah...), and try to re-login
    & so nothing seems to get investigated.

  4. #4
    Senior Member The Legend's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Impossible to join Betfair Live Casino for the last few days. Tried both browser and downloaded software... The same situation for another countries ?

    Updated: Finally it works. About 1 week has already passed.
    Last edited by The Legend; 06-29-2015 at 01:24 PM.

  5. #5
    Okay for me.

    Officially Betfair closed to Russian players a year ago Your Majesty.

  6. #6
    Senior Member The Legend's Avatar
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    Mar 2015
    There are 2 similar words in Russian language. "Officially" and "Poh*icially". I don't know how to translate or explain it's meaning correctly... Maybe like "i don't give a... something". One adverb instead of the whole phrase. So, officially it maybe closed, but everyone who wants to play feels poh*icially and just keeps on playing. Also i had a dream few weeks ago... In that dream we were drinking vodka with one well-known french actor, and after that he explained me how to become a citizen of the World .
    Last edited by The Legend; 06-29-2015 at 06:59 PM.

  7. #7
    Senior Member The Legend's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Some comment posted after short conversation with Betfair's Live Support ("Do you have any other comments or feedback you would like to share with us?"):

    I think, that Betfair should change that Euro Live Technologies (live casino games provider) to Evolution gaming, which is much more modern and friendly to players (customers). Before they do that - i can't recomend Betfair to a friend or colleague. Euro Live Technologies is like previous century.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Help us get better.JPG 
Views:	383 
Size:	77.8 KB 
ID:	4143

    P.S. Now it seems to me, that mark 4 was even too much as an answer to this question ("Based on your experience today, how likely are you to recommend Betfair to a friend or colleague?"). 0-1, maximum 2 should have been given.
    Last edited by The Legend; 06-12-2016 at 08:08 PM.

  8. #8
    is like previous century

    Well there are plenty of Evolution casinos Your Majesty.

    There's no need to circumvent country restrictions at Betfair to play at a "previous century" platform if you don't like having your chat blocked or whatever at the studio.

  9. #9
    Senior Member The Legend's Avatar
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    Mar 2015
    As for me, then right now i don't need to "circumvent country restrictions at Betfair". It opens without any additional plug-ins and so on. Just as any other ordinary web pages...

    About "having my chat blocked"... Well.. What can i say. The situation is almost the same everywhere... Latvian pitbosses just hate Russian language, cause most of so-called "pure latvians" really hate Russia and everything that is connected with this country. They call all russian people "occupants", and are proud of their grandfathers, who were in Waffen SS (took part in The Second World War, but on Hitler's side). Some other people who don't like others to see not the most successful moments of their life, but have abilities to edit their messages - they use make some cleaning. That's life. Who is stronger - he is right.

  10. #10
    Officially Betfair closed to Russian players a year ago Your Majesty.

    That was the circumventing part.

    Fundamentally, you came to complain about Betfair et al Your Majesty because you had your chat blocked, then took exception to being told you don't have to play there as the platform is so "previous century" (your words) .

    Quote Originally Posted by The Legend View Post
    ..their grandfathers, who were in Waffen SS(took part in The Second World War, but on Hitler's side)
    Regarding getting blocked, the simple solution is to not post your Russian exuberance for the game outcomes etc., to the dealers as you already know what the (your background description!) Latvian Waffen SS descendants response will be.

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