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Thread: Double Ball Roulette

  1. #1

    Double Ball Roulette

    PokerStars (and Full Tilt) have signed a deal with Games Marketing giving them access to games from the company.

    Probably of most interest to Livedealer players this includes Double Ball Roulette

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DB_roul.jpg 
Views:	3287 
Size:	191.1 KB 
ID:	3199 ... yes that is 2 balls on 1 wheel

    Payout on this table includes a Jackpot 1300 to 1 when both balls hit the same number

  2. #2
    Question is, any plans to have Double Ball Roulette installed at Evolution

    It would generate player interest ... something the studios are always looking for.

    ps. see here for PokerStars private table caps and observations

  3. #3
    Administrator LD's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Double Ball Roulette
    If this takes off with live dealer, you just know where its going to head.
    Platforms adding more and more balls and laying claim to being 'the first quadruple ball roulette game online'
    'coz good old fashioned real random beats simulated random any day

  4. #4
    'the first quadruple ball roulette game online'
    Payout on 4 balls hitting the same number would be life changing for most players, ~ 1.7million to 1

    You can imagine Double Ball working in a studio setting.

    eg. PokerStars and Full Tilt sharing a table. A video screen behind the table ... firework graphics when both balls hit same number, 'ooh so close' when the balls land next to each other etc.

  5. #5
    PokerStars (and Full Tilt) have signed a deal with Games Marketing giving them access to games from the company.

    Probably of most interest to Livedealer players this includes Double Ball Roulette

    And now Evolution Gaming have also acquired rights to games from Games Marketing.

    ... Double Ball moves another step closer

  6. #6
    It's been a possibility ever since the initial Games Marketing deal back in April 2015.


    in September 2015's blog I again mooted the prospect of Double Ball,

    Personally I’m still waiting for Double Ball Roulette to make an appearance.

    well here goes.....

    ........ It's coming!

  7. #7
    In a press release for the upcoming ICE event (London 2-4 Februaury 2016) Evolution Gaming have confirmed plans to launch Double Ball Roulette .

    The game is set for release in the second quarter of 2016 (you should be back in Andorra by then LD ).

  8. #8
    Senior Member The Legend's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    From Unibet is available now. Today will be the second day. Now guys from Party Blackjack have new rotation: Double Ball Roulette --> Party BJ --> Break, instead of Party BJ --> VIP Blackjack C --> Break.

    Also there is a funny situation. Word "Balls" is automatically censored (replaced with "***") in chat. Even while being written by live support. Saw yesterday by myself.

    P.S. Seems that Unibet has turned into the most progressive casino. Cause same situation was with that new baccarat tables, for example. First of all they appeared at Unibet, and only after some time they were available from everywhere.
    Last edited by The Legend; 06-26-2016 at 11:33 PM.

  9. #9
    Here it is then....

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	dbrol.jpg 
Views:	2619 
Size:	183.1 KB 
ID:	4068

    I joined the table just too late to see the Double Ball on 6.

  10. #10
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DB_mrG.jpg 
Views:	2541 
Size:	190.8 KB 
ID:	4184...Double Ball Roulette is now available at Mr Green casino.

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