I run McAfee security on my computer (although will probably drop it when my latest subscription expires...see why below).

It comes with a 'site adviser' service that throws up a big warning page whenever you try an visit a website that McAfee has deemed to be risky. To my surprise I received one of these warnings when I recently visited 21 Nova, a casino that is listed at livedealer.org as a safe playing option!

Investigation was clearly warranted.

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I've actually had one of these warnings incorrectly applied to another site of mine so I knew that it didn't mean there was something malicious going on at 21nova. In the case of my site, I contacted McAfee and asked why on earth my site had been flagged and the following week they removed the warning and said sorry and it was all clear!

Anyway, you can check what 'risky behaviors' have been identified by running a site report at siteadvisor.com. The site report for 21nova is here

Curious thing is, even their own report says nothing is wrong...

downloads test...

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Views: 291
Size:  32.1 KB

links test...

Name:  21novaMcAfee3.JPG
Views: 250
Size:  23.2 KB

Which of course begs the question...why the red flag McAfee??
No doubt the guys at 21Nova are asking the same question (they assure me there are no issues by the way).

ps. the reason why I'll probably drop McAfee...

About 6 months ago I started being improperly redirected from Google's search results. ie, click on a link to xyz.com in Google serps and I was taken to some-dodgy-viagara-site.com instead. Turns out I had the dreaded Google redirect virus on my computer. Also turns out McAfee didn't know how to detect/quarantine it. After much research I ran an anti-virus program called Malwarebytes (freeware by the way) which killed the offending adware and ALSO identified/removed 17 other trojans that had been sitting on my computer right under McAfee's nose!

McAfee, what am I paying you guys an annual subscription fee for!

Anyway...I'll keep you updated on the 21nova situation