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Thread: your best dealer ... Playtech, Evo... ?

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by luckiestgambler
    i haven't really tried asking for their facebook accounts.... would that be possible?

    Well as I said, .... it's strictly against dealer rules.

    At Playtech all player-dealer chat is checked at the end of each shift to rank the dealers performance eg. compliments, comments about looking tired, etc. & for obvious rule breaking.

    Those CSR's (mostly ex dealers) doing the checking may have their own agenda and friends among the dealers ie. have a grudge against a particular dealer/player, or turn a blind eye to rule breaking by friends. Some of the most nasty dealers at Playtech have become CSR's.

  2. #12
    yeah. anyway, you can share them too. so we get to know them a little better. Cmon guys, where's your share for best dealer?

  3. #13
    Senior Member The Legend's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    I was thinking about creating some opposite thread. For example: "Your worst dealer", or "Dealers that we hate", or "Dealers i will always try to avoid" but have not created still. Maybe next year.

    But anyway ():
    Last edited by The Legend; 05-28-2016 at 04:04 PM.

  4. #14
    Dont have a picture but he was a nice lad. Knew when to tell me to just walk away and take a break.

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