A very good friend of mine who loves his horse racing and has probably donated a fair bit to bookmakers over the last 20 years or so just had the mother of all collects.

On Wednesday (21st) this week he hit the quadrella (picked the winner of each of the last 4 races) at the Newmarket Handicap Race Day in Newcastle (NSW).

The payout on a quaddie depends on the payouts of each of the horses for each race. If 4 favorites win, the payout won't be that big. If a long shot(s) win any of the legs...it can get really big depending on just how long the odds are. On this particular occasion a 250 to 1 shot came home in the 2nd leg of the quaddie (my mate backed the whole field in this race so in effect picked the winner).

The resulting payout for a $1 bet....$177,198

He had $0.50 on it (which amounted to about $90 for every win combination selected)

= a win of $88,599.00

Could not have happened to a nicer bloke (or a bloke who needed the cash more!)