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Thread: Congratulations Leicester

  1. #1

    Congratulations Leicester

    So the Premiership 5000-1 rank outsiders Leicester City won the Premier League.

    Simply amazing!

    There will be a host of bookies feeling sore today .... including Ladbrokes who previously revealed a 3 million liability if Leicester won the title.

  2. #2
    Administrator LD's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Great game to decide the Premiership too....even if Leicester weren't in it

    Had everything... plenty of scoring, big comeback, and even a bit of push and shove after the game that reminded me of a good game of Aussie rules football!

    Well done Leicester!

    ...players watching last nights game go wild after the whistle blows

    ps me thinks the bookies would have been just as excited with a win by 5000-1 outsiders
    'coz good old fashioned real random beats simulated random any day

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