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  1. #1
    Administrator LD's Avatar
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    They received an AAMS license for their '.it' Italian casino last year. Now William Hill have launched for Italian players...and it comes with live dealers (Italian speaking I think although possibly with Latvian/Russian accents...molto bella for sure!)
    'coz good old fashioned real random beats simulated random any day

  2. #2
    Moderator The Dealer's Avatar
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    Jan 2011
    Yes, they are playing with us on the Playtech floor already about two weeks, and it is such a pleasure to deal for newcomers, who are amazed of everything. Lovin' them!

  3. #3
    Yes Italian speaking dealers mainly have Russian / Latvian accents because Playtech took many popular dealers from English tables & transferred them to Italian tables.

    This is despite a press release I read before launch where William Hill said they were using Italian dealers with local knowledge of Italy. Maybe Playtech told William Hill this, but it's not what actually happened !!!

    This angerred several long term players to lose favourite dealers.

  4. #4
    Moderator The Dealer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Hi, Unclefester!

    So many things to tell you, do not know with what to start...

    First of all - it is soooo nice to see you here! Welcome!

    Second - yes, I remember how exactly everything hapened about 3 month ago, when we finally opened those Italian tables. Not quite nice indeed. On the other hand, the Casino do not cares and should not care about the friendships between the dealers and the players, That is quite normal. By the function and definition it is a Casino first of all, not a social site, the conversation option is just like an bonus option all along all other bonuses.

    And it is not true that Playtech took those dealers from English tables and transferred to Italian tables. It is up to every single dealer to choose that kind of option. It is their free choice, they were not forced to do it.

    And we have one native Italian dealer - Carlo! So more or less the anouncment was at least a bit true...

    If it angerred several long term Players, then where are they? Why only you have reacted on this?! So it only seems that they care, maybe they actually don't?

  5. #5
    Hi Dealer

    Thanks for the welcome.

    So many things to tell me, but you told me very little!

    Playtech provides software where players can pick favourite dealers to be notified when they are at tables, but then doesn't care if players don't like not being able to talk to favourite dealers in future, or even be told a dealer is leaving English tables & have a chance to say bye - cheers casino!!

    If you were working on English tables you would have seen several players I could name asking repeatedly to different dealers the whereabouts of dealers they didn't know had gone to work on Italian tables.

    Some of the dealers obviously felt uncomfortable lying saying they didn't know their schedule etc. As "it's studio policy not to discuss operation of the casino floor"

    I have seen other players having moans to dealers about not been able to talk to favourites now on Italian tables.

    As for not taking those dealers from English tables, - well they did overwhelmingly mostly previously work on English tables!

    So are you saying they all have a free choice to move back to English tables anytime ?? - I really don't believe so.

    1 native dealer, among ... 18+ Italian dealers - that I can name ... nice odds!!
    That just about sums up how much truth Playtech dealers are ever allowed to speak - once in 18 times!!!!!!!!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by The Dealer View Post
    the Casino do not cares and should not care about the friendships between the dealers and the players, That is quite normal. By the function and definition it is a Casino first of all, not a social site, the conversation option is just like an bonus option all along all other bonuses.
    Yes conversation is a great bonus option, not sure I can think of many other bonuses though!
    (I suppose you mean how fantastic most of you look )

    I know the main function is to provide a live casino site!, NOT A SOCIAL SITE

    ... talking of which, I also witnessed many players who NEVER bet, spent all the time chatting with dealers & after a few rounds got booted off tables for not betting (by the software), & relogged back onto the table to continue their conversation with the dealer.

    The studio doesn't seem to care much about that either!.
    Maybe it should work harder to solve that (rather than reward dealers) & try to keep regular players who bet happy & wanting to come back!

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Unclefester View Post
    Yes conversation is a great bonus option, not sure I can think of many other bonuses though!
    (I suppose you mean how fantastic most of you look )

    I know the main function is to provide a live casino site, .. talking of which, I also witnessed many players who NEVER bet, spent all time chatting with dealers & after a few rounds got booted off tables for not betting (by the software) & relogged back onto the table to continue their conversation with the dealer.
    The studio doesn't seem to care much about that either !
    Maybe it should work harder to solve that (rather than reward dealers) & keep regular players who bet happy & wanting to come back!
    Scusami se ribatto al fatto che i giocatori non scommettono quasi mai , e sono li' solo per parlare con le dealer, io in primis parlavo ore con le croupier, ed e' piacevole farlo, diamo modo cosi di far imparare loro la lingua italiana ed alcune volte correggere quello che dicono al momento, non sono daccordo sul discorso, che il giocatore non puo' rimanere senza giocare, per il semplice motivo che : se io ho un conto di 10000 euro, e gioco prevalentemente alla roulette oppure a carte, nessuno puo' negarmi di rimanere sul tavolo anche non giocando, al limite questi sono problemi del casino' e non del giocatore, ma se al contrario, il casino' stesso eliminasse questa opzione, vedrete quanti andrebbero via, diciamo che il discorso live dealer e' piu' una cosa attrattiva e piacevole, ( tu stesso, sopra hai puntualizzato rammaricandoti, che sui tavoli inglesi sono andate vie le dealer, e non e giusto fare selezione come tu scrivi mantenere giocatori regolari, Per essere giocatore regolare, ogni giorno dovresti giocare, in caso contrario non puo' essere definita una persona giocatore regolare, e come se facendo un confronto tra me e te, io entro 1 giorno alla settimana e quindi non regolare come giocatore ma spendo 3000 euro, tu che invece sei regolare ma entri ogni giorno e spendi pero' a differenza mia, 500 euro in una settimana, chi e' piu regolare io o tu???????? ragionamento il tuo comprensibile ma in pratica non attuabile

    ciao betlotto giuseppe

    Forgive me if logic to the fact that the players are not are betting almost never, 'Only for dealer to talk with, and i'm primarily talking about hours with the croupier, and it is there and are pleasant to do, LET'S HAVE so far windowtext them the italian language and some correct the times that they say at the time, did not agree on the speech, Play remain without a player cannot ', for that simple reason: if I have of the United Nations Account of 10000 euro, and Game predominantly at the roulette or a la carte, nobody can 'n't tell me to remain on the table also not playing, the limit are these, problems of the casino and not the player, but if on the contrary, the casino 'itself would dissolve This page option, you will see how many should be via, say that the speech and the croupier live' more 'something attractive and pleasant, (yourself, above you rammaricandoti pointed out, that on the tables English are go way the dealer, and not just price Selection be thou write maintain regular players, To Be player Adjust, every day you should play, otherwise it cannot 'Be a person defined player adjust, and if you be of the United Nations Comparison between me and thee, i WITHIN 1 day a week and then do not adjust be player but i spend 3000 €, which you Adjust but enters every day you spend, however, 'to my Difference, 500 euros in a week, who is more regular i O thou???? Reasoning your understandable but impractical Ciao betlotto joseph

  8. #8
    Administrator LD's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Hi betlotto. Welcome to the forums.

    Can we have that in English please?
    'coz good old fashioned real random beats simulated random any day

  9. #9
    This quote by jamesmagic on another subject echoes my feelings about Playtech ..

    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmagic View Post
    it seem Playtech are probably too far removed from the players to really understand this ... whilst good at technology, I suspect they dont really understand the customer facing aspect of the business..

    & a dealer response

    Quote Originally Posted by The Dealer View Post
    - yes, I remember how exactly everything hapened .... when we finally opened those Italian tables. Not quite nice indeed.

    On the other hand, the Casino do not cares and should not care about the friendships between the dealers and the players,

    It's what is called 'customer relations', .... or should that be 'LACK of customer relations'.

  10. #10
    William Hill's normal 'exclusive Italian BlackJack' table has been closed on the Playtech Riga floor for the last few days.

    Other than the fact how few players there usually is at the table, or NONE .....

    Can any member provide more information ?

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