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Thread: This is interesting

  1. #1
    Administrator LD's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    This is interesting

    Came across this on Youtube the other day. The inference is there is a bit of dodgy dealing going on the video and draw your own conclusions.

    Watching the slow motion is does very much look like the dealer raises the card that should be dealt and slides out the one behind it.

    Looks like a GGL blackjack table.

    Quite flabbergasting if the intent is to cheat. Doing so on camera (as all live dealer games are) is unbelievably stupid....pretty much a death knell for the provider
    'coz good old fashioned real random beats simulated random any day

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Kent, England.
    Hi LD,

    When this was first published there was quite a lot of discussion and speculation as you can imagine.

    I did a bit of investigation myself into the surroundings of what you see in the video. I even interviewed the owner of Global Gaming Labs while I was in Costa Rica visiting some of the other live casino providers shortly after it happened.

    I've written and published a couple of articles about the "Scandal". It's not what it seems. Have a read, it will probably answer some questions and raise more.

    Personally I have my beliefs as to what happened, and I'd be happy to share those in private.

  3. #3
    Administrator LD's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    I guess at the end of the day, it just comes down to that golden principal of playing online ...

    The bigger the operator/provider, the more they are regulated and scrutinised and the less likely any issue like this is to occur. And if something untoward does occur due to rogue elements within the organisation it will be stamped out immediately. There is too much at stake to let anything like this through the cracks... loss of provider licenses and operator licenses in multiple EU jurisdictions, legal action from licensee operators, legal action from shareholders etc etc.

    I've seen the control room at Evolution Gaming and a little dealer slight of hand would be picked up immediately by Evolution...not a youtuber after who knows how many occurrences.
    'coz good old fashioned real random beats simulated random any day

  4. #4
    In my opinion, it is a total shame that the dealer got fired because of the cheating from the studio. The most disturbing fact when playing online blackjack is the system will let you know if you win or lose before the dealer returns the card....

    I stopped playing, I can share a link with a winning method mathematically talking for baccarat but I got banished from most of the online casino playing this method:

    But still, I tried recently:
    - the big wheel. I played only once and the most incredible thing happened. I bet on 1, 2 and 5 and lost (40 came). Then, I bet on 1 and 2 and lost (5 came). Then, I bet 30 dollars on 2 and tried hard to bet 50 $ on 1 but it was just impossible to bet on 1... so after several try, I bet instead 10$ in 5 at the last second. Multiplier 7 arrived then multiplier 2 and then again multiplier 7... and finally, number 1... Yes, I should have won 4,900$ but the system is definitely rigged.

    - and I played twice at the lightning roulette and twice same scenario: I chose a number, I placed an automatic bet of 1$ for 25 rounds... and both times, all the bets were approved (and lost) except one, and in both cases, the bet which didn't get through was the winning number with a lightning of 500. Yup, I should have won twice 500$ with 1$ bet. Bet before accepted, winning bet not accepted, bet after accepted....

    Am I the only with incredible stories???
    I really don't care anymore but I can't believe that players with years of experience can't feel the difference between online casinos and land base casinos...
    Last edited by ghost888; 09-05-2018 at 01:48 AM.

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