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Thread: When a compliment becomes an insult

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    When a compliment becomes an insult

    I couldn't help have a chuckle at this little conversation i heard the other day.

    Player: You are so cute
    Dealer: Thank you player for your nice compliment
    Player: And my mate says ur smokin'
    Dealer: What?
    Dealer: [indignant] I am not smoking!!!!
    Dealer: Why is he saying this?
    Player: Player leaves...
    Last edited by Ėvarr; 07-29-2013 at 10:56 AM.

  2. #2

    I've had, and seen similar conversations where a dealer's English ability caused tension/ problems.

    The player obviously meant smokin as in 'smoking hot' - a compliment.

  3. #3
    Playtech dealers are touchy about the smoking subject.

    They aren't allowed to admit they smoke.

    Once at roulette a player was filling the chat screen saying how the dealer had a deep voice etc. ... and kept asking her if she smoked. She kept saying "No I don't smoke". To stop the player I said "the dealers are not allowed to admit they smoke". She immediately got visibly angry with me and said " it was non of my business if she did" ..... I had never asked her!

    As Playtech thinks it is undesirable if a dealer smokes, they would be better to be more truthful and just say "we are not allowed to say if we smoke". Rather than be encouraged to lie.

    Playtech don't seem to have thought that once dealers are discovered lying about one thing, then you begin to question everything they say. Not such a desirable situation where reputation is built on trust!

    More honesty and transparency is better in my opinion eg. see what do we want?....what do we really want?

  4. #4
    It is typical of many situations where the dealers are 'all smiles' when players are believing everything they are trained to say. But hostile when they realise players know otherwise.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    They do seem to be quite touchy about some subjects like smoking and drinking. I guess that's why I found it amusing.

    You can always tell who the smokers are by how fast they rush away from the table at break time

  6. #6
    Yeah, they're not supposed to admit to drinking in excess also.

    My theory was that they were rushing away from Me

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