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Thread: What do we want?...what do we really really want?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    What do we want?...what do we really really want?

    So guys..........just lets say i'm the top exec of a live game studio.

    What do we want ?

    Lucky dealers ? black dresses, white dresses ? what new games ?....tell me and I will give you it !!

    Please don't say naked dealers.........unless you are a woman.....then I will give you men.

  2. #2
    I will let others comment on games, dresses, etc.

    My requirements probably go against most studio theory as to how to keep players, but here are some:

    Less feeling of fakeness eg. dealers taught to stand in an unnatural pose at a roulette table.

    Dealers allowed to be more honest, eg. that they are married, smoke, know their work schedule ...

    Less dealer taught phrases eg. "we get our tips in line with the casino policy" = DON'T get their tips at Playtech!

    A points ranking/ pay system for dealers that doesn't reward dealers who 'fish & milk' players for compliments etc. Some Playtech dealers achieve high status by having several regulars who NEVER bet, just chat all the time.

    Dealers not able to read player chat to other dealers. Well limited to the previous dealer as player's questions/ concerns may carry forward.

    A clean, well lit, modern looking studio. No fireplaces, old paintings, vases etc.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Fester !!.........I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed this........almost word for word you have copied my ethos !

  4. #4
    Administrator LD's Avatar
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    Nov 2010
    I reiterate Fester's comments, plus give me a blackjack table where...

    Blackjack pays 3:2, and
    Dealer stands all 17s, and
    I can double down after splitting, and
    I can double down any 2 cards, and
    I can hit split Aces, and
    I can Re-split, and
    surrender is offered.

    6 decks instead of 8 would also be good.

    Won't ask you to deal the entire shoe each time...but that would be good also
    'coz good old fashioned real random beats simulated random any day

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Agree with pretty much all of what Unclefester wrote. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of good things about Playtech (I can't really comment on others because I don't play them), but here are some of my pet hates that I would change.

    I think we have to accept that it's not a real casino and there will always be different feeling from playing in a real casino, but the thing that always gets me is the fake smiles. Some dealers are good actors, but some aren't. There's nothing more irritating that someone inanely grinning at you when you've just lost a big bet.

    Unreasonable restrictions
    Just when I was beginning to think everyone in Latvia had 20/20 vision, I noticed one dealer squinting at the computer monitor. So I asked her if she wore glasses. The answer i got was surprisingly honest - Yes she does, but Playtech forbid her from wearing them because girls who wear glasses appear less desirable.

    I wear glasses myself sometimes if I'm working on a computer for long periods of time, so I know it can be physically uncomfortable not to have them. I can't think of any safety issue with them, so compromising employees' health to squeeze out a few more euros profit is a disgrace in the 21st century. Sort it out Playtech.

    Shufflers seem to put on an elaborate display of openess. Showing hands, keeping them above the table, using transparent plastic folders and shoes. Unfortunately all of that counts for nothing if cards then leave the table and disappear off camera. They might as well stuff the cards in their pocket and deal from a cornflakes box for all the difference it makes. I know The Dealer addressed this in another thread, but I've never been comfortable with this. As soon as cards disappear from view, you leave yourself open to suspicion.
    Last edited by Ėvarr; 07-29-2013 at 09:03 PM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Ėvarr
    Shufffling.....I know The Dealer addressed this in another thread....
    Yes she did ... for other readers see Questions-Regarding-Playtech-Live-Blackjack

    Re. Wearing glasses ... many of the dealers use contact lenses at Playtech because they normally wear glasses.

    You see them rubbing their eyes and some have told me contacts are bothering them.

    At Evolution's studio (also in Latvia) they are allowed to wear glasses.

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    I've tried wearing contacts and I find them awkward to put in and far less comfortable than glasses. If some people like them that's great, but I do feel everyone should have a choice. I was going to give Evolution another whirl and logged into my old Paddy Power account, but I see they've also changed to Playtech.

    It's sounds like I'm just moaning, so here are a few of the things I do like.

    Everything is well organised and works like a well-oiled machine. I've yet to see any major technical problems. Quite an achievement when you think about it, given there wasn't really any precedent for live dealer studios.

    Customer Support
    Mostly a comment on Bet365. I always find them professional and helpful.

    I like the fact dealers are encouraged to talk about Latvia. It's clear most are extremely proud of their homeland. From the pictures I've seen it seems like a beautiful place full of beautiful people, and the dealers do a great job of promoting the country.

    I know some people are irritated by dealers not using real names, but I actually think it's a good thing. Because of the kind of work it is, dealers should have some degree of anonymity and protection from malicious or over-amorous players.

    The Dealers
    Last but not least, it is the dealers who really make the live dealer casinos stand apart. When their personality and good humour is allowed to shine through it makes for a far more enjoyable gaming experience.
    Last edited by Ėvarr; 07-29-2013 at 09:32 PM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Ėvarr View Post

    Unreasonable restrictions
    Just when I was beginning to think everyone in Latvia had 20/20 vision, I noticed one dealer squinting at the computer monitor. So I asked her if she wore glasses. The answer i got was surprisingly honest - Yes she does, but Playtech forbid her from wearing them because girls who wear glasses appear less desirable.

    I wear glasses myself sometimes if I'm working on a computer for long periods of time, so I know it can be physically uncomfortable not to have them. I can't think of any safety issue with them, so compromising employees' health to squeeze out a few more euros profit is a disgrace in the 21st century. Sort it out Playtech.
    an additional reason for not letting them wear glasses is possibly because it may reflect what's in front of them. it may, again MAY show the cameras and other stuffs in front of them. this can be possible since the only angle being used is at the front.

    also, dealers smiles regardless of what happens since it can be a requirement for their scorecards. however, on land-based dealers are better in communicating how they feel.

    hopefully, this message can be read by those who are in live casinos. ^_^

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by luckiestgambler
    hopefully, this message can be read by those who are in live casinos. ^_^
    Well possibly your wish may be granted!

    I welcome any competition to the big two of Evolution and Playtech .... especially if it makes them change also.

  10. #10
    Moderator The Dealer's Avatar
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    an additional reason for not letting them wear glasses is possibly because it may reflect what's in front of them. it may, again MAY show the cameras and other stuffs in front of them. this can be possible since the only angle being used is at the front.
    That is the exact and only reason, not the additional reason. Everybody is informed about that already when having a job interview. It makes me crazy that some Dealers are moaning about things like that - lenses, night shifts, working in weakends etc. It is not hided info of them that that's part of their job. It would be the same if a guy who wears a chicken custom in advertisment purpose would moan about that for every single person who pass by - it's part of that exact job. Accept it or leave it. Nobody is forced to stay.

    also, dealers smiles regardless of what happens since it can be a requirement for their scorecards. however, on land-based dealers are better in communicating how they feel.
    I think this is a question of personality. In both --> land-based and online Casinos you can find Dealers who are into comunication and do it well and natural, without beeing fake and at the same time there are people who just are slow in any daily situation of picking up the conversation or understanding the general mood on the table

    There's nothing more irritating that someone inanely grinning at you when you've just lost a big bet.
    I agree. The sad thing is that some Dealers in online Casinos are unable to follow the game results. They just simly don't have to, when at the same time at land-based Casinos the Dealer have to remember the result of each box to provide the Playres with quick and immediate payout after the hand. And by the way - on the Roulette and Baccarat the online Casino Dealer just are unable to see the Players bets, so we just have no idea who just won, and who did not.

    I can hit split Aces, and
    I can Re-split, and
    surrender is offered.

    6 decks instead of 8 would also be good.

    Won't ask you to deal the entire shoe each time...but that would be good also
    I totally agree about 6 decks, re-split (till traditional 4 hands) and surrender, but I think receiving one card after splitting Aces is just as it should be. There is always a high chance to receive a 10, so I think that's kind of rule is just correct, fair, logic.

    By the way - what would you say a about shuffling machines? I have not noticed them yet in any Online Casino, but they are quite common in those land-based. Would it be trustfull enough? I have an idea of transparent kinds... In that way the game would be endless (or pause-less), quick and the cards would be all the time on the table in front of the Players.

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