
firstly, thank you both for coming back to me and especially Dealer for giving such a long response.

The problem is, online, intergrity is everything and unfortunately "your word" is probably not sufficient for all players (Full Tilt gave their word as well...).

Also, unfortunately, the concern is not that it is random, that looks clear, but rather than there are none of the decks are short of Aces or picture cards..which are beneficial to the player.

Whilst I appreciate, the procedure is lengthy, which eats into playing time (and thus revenues), it is also important, especially for higher limit bettors.

Why dont you simply do it much less frequently (or not at all!)? It seems the cards are changed very often at Playtech, which is really the problem...it doesnt seem necessary. That way, you still get to maintain the off screen shuffling for whatever reason, but us players can see several shoes run through with shuffling on screen, greatly alleviating any concerns. I would suspect once or twice a day per table should be sufficient, or at least no more than every 4 hours. But when the cards are frequently changed, and then never shown to the player, it can only bring up concerns.

A bricks and mortar casino would not change the cards so frequently and whenever they do, they would always shoe the entire shoe out with the dealer checking it in front of the player (or at least in the UK where I live).

I would very much welcome you feeding this back to people at Playtech if possible and from a player's perspective it does seem that Evolution Gaming appreciate this issue and thus i suspect why operators powered by them dominate the higher limit games.

Plus shuffle procedures are not normally commercial secrets, walk into any casino and they will gladly tell you when, who and how they change the cards. Unfortunately, it seem Playtech are probably too far removed from the players to really understand this...whilst good at technology, I suspect they dont really understand the customer facing aspect of the business..

Please do ask if anything I have said is not clear, as I very much appreciate your time- in other ways, I much prefer the Playtech offering, but this is too much of a concern in my mind to be brushed aside.

many thanks
