The aim of this site has always been to try shine a spotlight on live dealer games; helping players understand what's available where and from whom. To this end, I'm always racking my brain to come up with various ways to do this.

What follows is hairbrained idea number 438... Live Casino virtual walk throughs.

The concept is simple.

  1. Log in to live casino
  2. Open live games/lobby
  3. Start video record to screen
  4. Take a virtual stroll around casino...randomly opening tables, placing bets etc do-overs...what you see is what you get (or don't get as the case may be)
  5. Upload and post unedited recording (apart from 5 second your heart out Steven Spielberg)

No problems with internet connection during recordings. Uninterrupted and humming along at 30 to 40 Mbps (download that is...upload also fast). PC sound on at all times.

No dealers were harmed in the recording of any of the below footage.

More casinos will be added in due course, time and enthusiasm willing.