Internet casino marketing glossary of terms

I think it was Oscar Wilde who once said, ‘never let the truth stand in the way of a good story‘.

Oscar would fit quite well into most online casino marketing departments who are similarly loath to let the true definition of words stand in the way of a good story.

To be fair, some are not (nearly) as guilty as others when it comes to definition stretching; but it is a pretty common practice. For those new to the industry here’s a useful guide to translating casino marketing claims, promotions, offers or general copy that may help manage your expectations.

Set out are terms commonly used (or misused), their Concise Oxford English Dictionary (COED) definition and their Online Casino Relatively Ambiguous Position (O-CRAP) definition.

The difference between the two can sometimes be substantial.

Term: Exclusive

Example of use: This is an exclusive offer, ending on 31 December 2014
COED definition: (Pronunciation: /ik’sklu:siv) Restricted to the person, group, or area concerned
O-CRAP definition: Restricted to all those willing to give it a go. Unavailable to all those unaware or completely uninterested

Term: Cash

Example of use: €20,000 in cash up for grabs in our Mega-Awesome end of year high roller promotion
COED definition: (Pronunciation: /kaʃ) Money in coins or notes, as distinct from cheques, money orders, or credit
O-CRAP definition: Virtual currency credited to your casino account that may or may not be available for withdrawal and that may or may not be subject to times-wagered terms before withdrawal is possible. The likelihood of ever becoming ‘Cash’ according to the COED definition is generally remote, although exceptions do exist.

Term: First

Example of use: Play at the world’s first real money live casino App
COED definition: (Pronunciation: /fəːst) Coming before all others in time or order; earliest; never previously done or occurring
O-CRAP definition: Coming before some; possibly not the last; never previously done or occuring by us

Term: Biggest

Example of use: The biggest casino on the net
COED definition: (Pronunciation: /bɪɡ:est) Larger than all other items of the same kind
O-CRAP definition: Larger than some net casinos. Larger than when we first launched

Term: 24/7

Example of use: Live chat support available 24/7
COED definition: (informal, also 24-7) Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week; all the time
O-CRAP definition: Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, unless unavailable; most the time; some of the time (particularly during busy times)

Term: Instant

Example of use: Withdrawal time: Instant
COED definition: (Pronunciation: /ˈɪnst(ə)nt) Happening or coming immediately
O-CRAP definition: Happening quite quickly but subject to a processing period and/or policy hold-ups. Distinct from the term Instant used with regard to deposit time, which is closer to the COED definition

Term: Unique

Example of use: A completely unique casino experience
COED definition: (Pronunciation: /juːˈniːk) Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else
O-CRAP definition: Unlike anything else, apart from all other online casinos using the same software

Term: Free

Example of use: Get $50 completely free
COED definition: (Pronunciation: /fri) Without cost or payment; not subject to engagements or obligations
O-CRAP definition: Without cost or payment, apart from the payment required to trigger match bonus; not subject to engagements or obligations apart from times wager terms and bonus lapse period

Term(s): Superlatives generally, including but not limited to… finest, best, most amazing, fastest, most popular

Example of use: Welcome to the world’s finest online casino
Comment: Could well be true, but with 387 casinos making precisely the same claim, 386 are exaggerating either a little or a lot.


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